Sunday, September 14, 2014

New media marketing is a relatively new concept used by businesses in developing an online community, which allows satisfied customers to congregate and extol the virtues of a particular brand. In most cases, the online community includes mechanisms such as blogs, podcasts, message boards, product reviews, Wikipedia, and social networks all of which contribute to a transparent forum to post praises, criticisms, questions, and suggestions.
One of the primary arguments to promote new media marketing is the premise that traditional advertising is losing its influence on consumers. Backed by statistical evidence demonstrating a growing trend of consumers making purchasing decisions based on Internet research and referrals.[1] These advocates strongly adhere to the notion that consumers are more inclined to believe feedback from like-minded peers than corporate marketing verbiage dispersed through traditional television, radio, direct mail, or newspaper advertising.
Although businesses would be exposing certain weaknesses to the marketplace by allowing individuals, or even competitors, to post critical comments, responding with an honest and transparent answer designed around solving the issue at hand may mitigate potential risks.
New media marketing is most effectively marketed by internet-driven technology such as blogs, RSS, web video productions, podcasts and social networking platforms.[2]
   I found this article in Wikipedia. The internet has made it very easy for people to research anything they might want to buy, or services they made need. Service industries are easier to investigate their history and background before you hire them, or use their services. People need to be careful though, not everyone will be honest. It could be competition  trying to ruin the business of their competitors.
  I think that the internet advertising is good and bad. The good part is that people have to be more aware of how they treat others. If they do not do a good job are sell a good product it will be hard to continue to make money. The bad to me is that you do not know for sure who is giving the approval ratings.(Most of the time) Just because it is on the internet does not make it true!

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