4 Things You Need To Know About Mobile Marketing In 2014
Many businesses expect 2014 to be the year of mobile. According to Shop.org and Forrester Research, more than half of retailers they surveyed marked mobile efforts as a top priority.
Mobile marketing is new territory for many businesses. Two-thirds of businesses are using some form of mobile marketing, and most of them have been doing it for less than a year.
Despite its newness, nearly half of businesses say they plan to increase their mobile marketing budget in 2014, and 48% plan to remain the same.
And it seems most are jumping into mobile marketing with a little bit of faith – two-thirds say they either can’t measure ROI on mobile marketing or don’t know how.
If you’re wondering what businesses expect in mobile marketing in 2014, we’ve got answers. We partnered with 60 Second Marketer to survey 161 businesses on their mobile marketing efforts and plans for 2014.
Here are the f

good information. could probably have an entire course on mobile marketing.